Refund policy

According to this policy, you, as a user, are allowed to request a refund. Refund requests for any of our items are reviewed individually, and we reserve the right to decide whether to grant them. Any refund requests must be submitted within seven days of purchasing our product. Any requests made beyond this period won’t be fulfilled, with the exception of unavoidable events like catastrophes, calamities, accidents, and other unexpected circumstances.

Refund requests are only accepted for the current payment cycle. No refunds can be issued for prior payments.

It is also crucial to realize that if the complaint or issue falls within any of the following headings, we will not grant any refunds:

– Usage Abuse – if our system reveals that you have accessed, altered, used, and/or downloaded one or more PRO products—whether or not they have been used by you or by anybody to whom you have granted access to your account—you are not allowed to get a refund. No refunds are also given for suspected criminal charges when several products are shown in our system.

– Compatibility Issues – our Service is created to be compatible software with every product, and the file format types are also indicated on the product page for you to choose the needed one. If you experience software compatibility concerns, you must contact us right away to resolve this issue. Any conflicts or incompatibilities that may arise due to third-party software are not our responsibility, and we will not accept liability for them.

– Downloading/Unzipping Issues – network, firewall, browser, or internet connectivity problems are at blame for this. In such circumstances, please notify us of the problem within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. If you don’t, it will be assumed that you have utilized or downloaded the product successfully.

– Product Mismatch – we won’t give you a refund if the product you downloaded differs from what the product page or description indicates. Instead, you must get in touch with us immediately because, from the time we receive your report, it will take 24 to 72 working hours to fix the problem and deliver the right goods.

– Quality Issues – our products go through rigorous quality control inspection and review. If you find any quality problems, we will fix them in 24-72 hours after receiving your report. If you notice any quality problems, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us right away.

– Purchased By Mistake – you must get in touch with us right away if the purchase was mistakenly made using your account, credit card, or another payment method by you or someone else. We’ll offer you the chance to explain how it happened. We will check it carefully.

– Remorse Towards the Product – we might offer you a product replacement equivalent to the amount you paid for the original item or a discount, but we won’t refund your money just because you changed your mind.

– Product Dissatisfaction – Don’t hesitate to contact us within seventy-two hours if you’re unhappy with our goods so we can resolve it. Give a detailed explanation of your dissatisfaction with the product. We will analyze your concern and develop a solution. A refund is not available for a simple complaint of dissatisfaction.


From the time we get your request, we will complete it in 72 business hours. If we give a refund, it will often be processed the same way the original payment was made. Any money returned to you will be in the form that offered you when you made your transaction. Any fluctuations in currency rates between the time you made your purchase and the time you received the refund are not our responsibility. Please be aware that we do not offer or process prorated or partial refunds.

You won’t have access to unique material or continue receiving product updates after the refund. Additionally, any downloaded products are no longer usable.

Your account will be blocked if you file a dispute with a payment agent or a credit card company and will remain blocked until the payment agency or credit card company resolves the issue. The processing of refunds and any connected processes takes some time and effort. Therefore, we advise you to contact us soon to see if we can help with any issues.

No Refund

Refund requests for downloaded products that have already been utilized in your business will not be granted by us. Additionally, we have the right to reject any refund requests made for any reason other than those specified in this policy.

This refund policy does not cover any product purchased by fraudulent means. We will immediately cancel your order and ban you from our Website if we find that you are purchasing our products in violation of any applicable policies, rules, or regulations. If required, we may also take legal action against you.

Contact Us

In case of any inquiries described above, please feel free to contact us through our Website.